Sketch and New Painting Start

Last night while I was watching TV, I did some sketching. Found a photo of one of our dear little red squirrels and it became my subject.

Today, I did a quick layout for a painting I have running around in my mind. I’ll try and keep posting on these things so it follows the progress of it. The base is done in acrylic and I will follow it with oil. Very rough at this point and it can go in a number of different directions.

Whisper Mountains

A bit more added to this. Its starting to take shape.

More changes. I think I like what the color changes and enlarging the right corner is doing to the overall atmosphere of the painting.

Got some more work done on this one. Decided on the coyote for the animal in it. I still need to do more with the light and shadow on it, but I think its coming along nicely for something that began as a play with colors.

Spent a few hours experimenting with colors and techniques. Combination of brush and pallet knives to create the scene. Its not any particular mountain range, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t rise up from some forgotten memory. I think its more a product of my overactive imagination. I am not finished with it yet, but it needs to simmer for a while till I know what else needs to be done with it. For now, I am calling it “Whisper Mountains”. Don’t know why. Just a name that came in my head when I looked at it.